Psocid News
The Psocidologists’ Newsletter
No. 3 (Aug. 20, 2002)

Larva of Amphipsocus japonicus

Jin-Jun Wang
(Southwest Agricultural University, China)
In collaboration with Prof. Zhimo Zhao and Dr. Wei Ding, my research mainly focus on the management of liposcelidid pests that infest stored products. Currently my research group include one Ph. D. student, four MSc. students and one technicians.

Current Research
• Resistance monitoring and management of Liposcelis bostrychophila and L. entomophila to fumigants and controlled atmosphere (Funded by NSFC, MOE and F.Y.T. Foundation).
• Comparative toxicology of Liposcelis bostrychophila and L. entomophila in relation to their management (Funded by SWAU).
• Control of psocids using plant materials and IGRs (Funded by CQ STC).
• Molecular markers of psocids resistant to fumigants and CA (Funded by EPCL).

List of Publication
1. In English
Wang Jinjun, Zhaozhimo, Li Lungshu 1998 Studies on bionomics of Liposcelis entomophila (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) infesting stored products. Entomologia Sinica 5(2): 149-158.
Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo, Li Lungshu 1999 Induced tolerance of the psocid, Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae), to controlled atmosphere. International Journal of Pest Management 45(1): 75-79.
Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo, Li Lungshu 1999 Selection of resistance strains in Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel to CO2-emriched atmospheres. Entomologia Sinica 6(1): 45-52.
Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo, Li Lungshu 1999 Some biochemical aspects of resistance to controlled atmosphere in Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). Entomologia Sinica 6(2): 178-186.
Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo, Li Lungshu 1999 Study on tolerance to oxygen deficiency, genetic stability and ecological fitness of psocid, Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). Zoological Research 20(2): 104-110.
Wang Jinjun, James H. Tsai, Zhao Zhimo, Li Lungshu 2000 Development and reproduction of the psocid Liposcelis bostrychophila (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) as a function of temperature. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 93(2): 261-270.
Wang Jinjun, ZhaoZhimo, James H. Tsai 2000 Resistance and some enzyme activities in Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) in relation to carbon dioxide enriched atmosphere. Journal of Stored Product Research 36: 297-308.
Wang Jinjun, James H. Tsai, Zhao Zhimo, Li Lungshu 2001 Interactive effects of temperature and controlled atmosphere at biologically relevant levels on development and reproduction of the psocid, Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). International Journal of Pest Management 47(1): 55-62.
Wang Jinjun, James H. Tsai, Ding Wei, Zhao Zhimo, Li Lungshu 2001 Toxic effects of six plant oils alone and in combination with controlled atmosphere on Liposcelis bostrychophila (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). Journal of Economic Entomology 94(5): 1296-1301.
Ding Wei, Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo, James H. Tsai 2002 Effects of controlled atmosphere and DDVP on population growth and resistance development by the psocid, Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). Journal of Stored Product Research 38: 229-237.
Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo 2002 Comparison of reserves and utilization of triacylglycerol and polysaccharides among Liposcelis bostrychophila populations selected for resistance to carbon dioxide, and the unselected population. Journal of Applied Entomology (in Press).

2. In Chinese with English abstract
Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo 1994 Acute lethal effects of controlled atmosphere on Liposcelis entomophila at different temperatures. Journal of Southwest Agricultural University 7:70-74.
Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo, Guo Yiquan 1996 Effects of temperature and humidity on development and reproduction of Liposcelis entomophila. Acta Phytophycacica Sinica 23:147-152.
Wang Jinjun, Zhou Yihong, Zhou Chenxi 1996 The experiment life table of Liposcelis entomophila at different temperatures. Journal of Zhengzhou Grain College 17: 79-83.
Wu Shiyuan, Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo 1997 The Acute toxicity of carbon dioxide and deltamethrin on Liposcelis bostrychophila at different temperature. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association 12:5-9.
Wang Jinjun, ZhaoZhimo, Li Lungshu, Deng Xingping, Wu Shiyuan 1998 On the interactions among CO2 and O2 concentration, temperature and fumigation of Tanaka oil to Liposcelis bostrychophila. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association 13:55-58
Wang Jinjun, ZhaoZhimo, Li Lungshu 1999 An ecological study on the laboratory population of psocid, Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 42: 277-283.
Wang Jinjun, ZhaoZhimo 1999 Effects of different foods on development and reproduction of Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel. Entomological Knowledge 36: 95-97
Wang Jinjun, ZhaoZhimo, Li Lungshu 1999 Effect of CA and citrus oil on Liposcelis bostrychophila at different temperatures. Grain Storage 28: 3-9.
Wang Jinjun, ZhaoZhimo, Li Lungshu 2001 Studies on the resistance of Liposcelis bostrychophila to controlled atmosphere and its ecological fitness. Acta Entomologica Sinica 44: 67-71.
Wang Jinjun, ZhaoZhimo, Li Lungshu 2001 Life table of experimental population of Liposcelis bostrychophila. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 12: 83-85.
Ding Wei, Wang Jinjun, ZhaoZhimo 2001 Culture techniques of Liposcelis bostrychophila and L. entomophila. Journal of Southwest Agricultural University 23: 304-306.
Ding Wei, E. Shaaya, Wang Jinjun, ZhaoZhimo, Gao Fei 2002 The lehal effects of two IGRs on Liposcelis entomophila. Zoological Research 23:173-176.

3. Conference papers
Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo, Li Lungshu 1999 Biochemical mechanisms of Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) resistant to controlled atmospheres. In Jin Z. X. et al (eds). Stored Product Protection, Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection. Sichuan Publishing House of Sciences and Technnology. 1: 160-701.
Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo, Li Lungshu 1999 Resistance of psocid, Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae) and the stability to controlled atmosphere. In Jin Z. X. et al (eds). Stored Product Protection, Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection. Sichuan Publishing House of Sciences and Technnology. 1: 160-701.
Wang Jinjun, Zhao Zhimo, Li Lungshu 1999 Ecological fitness of CA resistant and susceptible strains of Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (Psocoptera: Liposcelididae). In Jin Z. X. et al (eds). Stored Product Protection, Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection. Sichuan Publishing House of Sciences and Technnology. 1: 160-701.

Katarina M. Mikac (CSIRO Division of Entomology/ University of Canberra, Australia)
I am a first year Ph.D. student, new to the wonderful world of psocids. My interest in psocids stems from my fascination of invasion/pest ecology. During the past decade psocids have become a serious pest of stored grain in Australia. There is a variety of research being conducted on psocids at the Stored Grain Research Laboratory (SGRL), please visit our web site to find out more (

Current Research
I will be using molecular methods to examine the genetic structure of three psocid species, Liposcelis bostrychophila, L. decolor and L. entomophila, that infest grain bulk storage facilities throughout Australia. As there is currently no known nucleotide sequence information on these three species, molecular techniques such as microsatellites and Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) are being used to investigate their genetic structure and general molecular ecology. Outcomes from this work will determine the extent of gene flow among Liposcelis populations infesting bulk grain storage systems in Australia. In addition, this work will help characterise and monitor changes in the genetic diversity of psocid populations, while gaining a greater understanding of the origin and movement of Liposcelis species within Australian bulk grain handling systems. The Australian bulk handlers association is providing full financial support for this study.

Charles Lienhard
(Geneva Natural History Museum, Switzerland)
The editor of the “ Encyclopaedia Biospeologica ” asked me to prepare a revised version of the Psocoptera chapter (Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994) for a new edition of Volume I. So I tried to make a list of all species mentioned from caves in the literature. Some of them are true cavernicolous animals, some others are litter dwellers which sometimes can be found in the entrance zone of caves, some others are domestic species which are often found in caves regularly visited by humans.
In the following you find my provisional and probably incomplete list. I would be happy if you could let me know if you are aware of published cave records of other psocid species. Perhaps you know also about noteworthy additional references concerning the species mentioned in my list. Please send me an e-mail with the name of the species and the bibliographical reference(s) of corresponding cave record(s). My deadline for the manuscript is December 2002. Thank you very much in advance for your help.
My e-mail address:

List of psocid species mentioned from caves in the literature
(c. r. = cave record; reference according to the bibliography of Lienhard & Smithers, 2002)

Parasoa haploneura Thornton (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994)
Perientomum sp. (c. r.: Deharveng & Leclerc, 1989)
Soa flaviterminata Enderlein (c. r.: Badonnel, 1977f)
Lepinotus inquilinus Heyden (c. r.: Altherr, 1938)
Lepinotus reticulatus Enderlein (c. r.: Altherr, 1938)
Dorypteryx pallida Aaron (c. r.: Mockford, 1993a)
Psocathropos lachlani Ribaga (c. r.: Badonnel, 1977f; Deharveng & Leclerc, 1989; Ashmole & Ashmole, 1997)
Psyllipsocus batuensis Thornton (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994)
Psyllipsocus decui Badonnel (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994)
Psyllipsocus dubius Badonnel (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994)
Psyllipsocus hirsutus Thornton (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994)
Psyllipsocus orghidani Badonnel (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994)
Psyllipsocus ramburii Selys-Longchamps (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994; Ashmole & Ashmole, 1997)
Psyllipsocus yucatan Gurney (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994)
Prionoglaris dactyloides Lienhard (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994)
Prionoglaris stygia Enderlein (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994; Lienhard, 1996b, 1998a)
Sensitibilla strinatii Lienhard (c. r.: Lienhard, 2000b)
Speleketor flocki Gurney (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994)
Philedaphia hauseri (Lienhard) (c. r.: Lienhard, 1988b)
Protroctopsocus enigmaticus Mockford (c. r.: Mockford, 1967b)
Amphientomum aelleni Badonnel (c. r.: cf. Badonnel & Lienhard, 1994)
Belapha sp. (c. r.: Deharveng & Leclerc, 1989)
Belaphotroctes ghesquierei Badonnel (c. r.: Badonnel, 1977f)
Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel (c. r.: Badonnel, 1977f; Deharveng & Leclerc, 1989)
Liposcelis decolor (Pearman) (c. r.: Badonnel, 1973d)
Liposcelis entomophila (Enderlein) (c. r.: Badonnel, 1977f, g; Deharveng & Leclerc, 1989)
Liposcelis meridionalis (Rosen) (c. r.: Badonnel, 1973d)
Liposcelis orghidani Badonnel (c. r.: Badonnel, 1973d)
Liposcelis spp. (not identified) (c. r.: Altherr, 1938; Badonnel, 1977f)
Troglotroctes ashmoleorum Lienhard (c. r.: Lienhard, 1996b; Ashmole & Ashmole, 1997)
Pachytroctes sp. (c. r.: Deharveng & Leclerc, 1989)
Tapinella picticeps Badonnel (c. r.: Badonnel, 1977f)
Sphaeropsocopsis myrtleae Lienhard & Ashmole (c. r.: Lienhard & Ashmole, 1999)
Bertkauia lucifuga (Rambur) (c. r.: Decou & Negrea, 1969; Lienhard, 1998a)
Mesepipsocus mobilis (Hagen) (c. r.: Badonnel, 1977f)
Spurostigma jimenezi Badonnel (c. r.: Badonnel, 1977g)
Ectopsocus sp. (c. r.: Badonnel, 1977f)
Palmicola vinai Badonnel (c. r.: Badonnel, 1977g)

Charles Lienhard (Geneva Natural History Museum, Switzerland)
Courtenay N. Smithers (Australian Museum, Sydney)

Lienhard, C. & Smithers, C. N. (2002) Psocoptera (Insecta): World Catalogue and Bibliography. Instrumenta Biodiversitatis 5: xli+745 pp. Muséum d'histoire naturelle, Genève.

The book came out some weeks ago. It is sold by the Geneva Natural History Museum (Price: 180 Swiss Francs + handling and postage) and can be ordered at the following e-mail address (Mrs Eva Bucher):
Unfortunately no free copies are available for distribution. A few colleagues have been asked to write a review, all the others will have to buy the book. Sorry for this, nevertheless we hope that buying this book will pay off.
All colleagues listed in the Psocid News directories will receive a publicity flyer from the Geneva Museum.
Here some general information on this book:
The Catalogue (492 pp.) lists the 41 families, 371 genera, 4408 species of Psocoptera described up to the end of the year 2000. The chronological discovery of species diversity is graphically analysed (figure), and in a synoptic table (15 pp.) the classification down to genus level is presented with numbers of known species per taxon for each main biogeographical region of the world. Contrary to most published catalogues the present one gives not only a complete list of taxonomic references for all species, but also cites almost all other known references pertaining to their geographical distribution, morphology, biology, ecology, etc. Several new names, synonymies, combinations, and status designations are proposed. All taxonomic names are listed in a complete index (81 pp.).
The Bibliography (172 pp.) contains the complete scientific literature (a total of about 3200 references) published on the Psocoptera from 1688 up to the end of the year 2000, including also the papers on applied research concerning domestic and stored product psocids.
This publication is addressed to all entomologists interested in the taxonomy, biogeography, and bionomics or pest status of Psocoptera as well as to the scientific libraries with interest in biodiversity and systematics.
Find other entomological publications on the Geneva Museum’s home page:

Kevin P. Johnson (Illinois Natural History Survey, USA)

The Chewing Lice: World Checklist and Biological Overview by Roger D. Price, Ronald A. Hellenthal, Ricardo L. Palma, Kevin P. Johnson, and Dale H. Clayton. Illinois Natural History Survey Special Publication 24.

K. P. Johnson and D. H. Clayton. The Biology, Ecology, and Evolution of Chewing Lice.
R. D. Price, R. A. Hellenthal, and R. L. Palma. Chewing Lice of the World with Host Associations.

This work includes the third checklist of world chewing lice, following those of Harrison (1916) and Hopkins and Clay (1952). Sucking lice (Anoplura) have been recently been treated by Durden (1994). This work will contain up-to-date information on chewing louse biology, ecology, systematics, and evolution. It also includes the first comprehensive published list of host-louse associations as well as generic keys and illustrations for the 253 recognized genera of chewing lice. Chewing lice comprise 90% of species in the order Phthiraptera and encompass the suborders Amblycera, Ischnocera, and Rhynchophthirina. As obligatory ectoparasites of most birds and mammals, they are of significant economic importance to the poultry and livestock industries and have been the subject of numerous studies on host-parasite coevolution and cospeciation.
Major features of the checklist include
1) All louse species (> 4350 species) and subspecies names by family, genus, and subgenus
2) Complete list of bird and mammal host species with associated lice
3) Literature citation for each published host-louse association
4) 700 previously unpublished host-louse associations
5) > 200 new specific and generic synonymies
6) Bibliography of 1,400 references
7) Nearly 600 illustrations
Ordering information will be provided at the time of publication on the INHS Publications web site ( under "New Publications". To receive email notification when publication is available, send an email request to (

Courtenay N. Smithers
(Australian Museum, Sydney)
I have noticed that a recent part of the Zoological Record (Vol. 137: 13, 407) lists the paper on Irish Psocoptera which I published with O'Connor and Peters in 1999 as having the senior author as "Bocak, Ladislav". I have no idea who he is or how he came to be quoted as the senior author of the paper. There must have been an error in their computer entry. The correct entry for the paper is:
Smithers, C. N., O'Connor, J. P. & Peters, J. V. (1999) A list of Irish Psocoptera (Insecta) (Booklice, Barklice, Psocids). Irish Naturalists Journal 26(7/8): 228-235.

Kazunori Yoshizawa (Hokkaido University, Japan)
I recently published a paper on the systematics of Japanese Amphipsocidae (Yoshizawa, K. 2001. Systematic study of Amphipsocidae in Japan (Psocodea: 'Psocoptera': Caeciliusetae), with comments on higher classification within the family. Insecta Matsumurana, New Series 58: 1–25). In the paper, I made some mistakes or inappropriate citations which are corrected here. I thank Dr C. N. Smithers who kindly pointed out some of my mistakes.
Synonymy among Kodamaius brevicornis and K. pilosus
K. pilosus was once treated as a synonym of K. brevicornis, but Yoshizawa (2001) considered these two are good species. Yoshizawa (2001) and Mockford (2000) mentioned that the synonymy of these two species was first proposed by Smithers (1967). However, it is not correct, and actually the synonymy was originally proposed by Enderlein (1908). Therefore, remarks given under the description of K. pilosus should be corrected, and the following synonymy should be added to K. pilosus.
Kodamaius pilosus Okamoto
Kodamaius brevicornis: Enderlein, 1908: 766 (partim).
Synonymy among Dasypsocus japonicus and Amphipsocus rubrostigma
Yoshizawa (2001) treated A. rubrostigma as a new junior synonym of D. japonicus (= now A. japonicus). However, earlier, Takahashi (1938) had already mentioned a possibility of this synonymy as follows: "..... Dasypsocus japonicus (Enderlein, 1906) and Amphipsocus rubrostigma Okamoto (1910) may be one and the same species". I think the statement cannot be considered as an official act of synonymy, but Takahashi's (1938) statement should have been cited in Yoshizawa (2001).
Label data of identified specimens of Matsumuraiella radiopicta
The original description of M. radiopicta is based on the material collected at Tomakomai in 1903. Yoshizawa (2001) mentioned that label data of some identified M. radiopicta specimens stored in Hokkaido University exactly agree with the original description. Therefore, although the specimens are not syntypes, these specimens are considered to be collected with the type series of M. radiopicta. However, label data of two specimens shown in Yoshizawa (2001) are spelled as Tomakami (probably misspelling of Tomakomai). The followings are photographs of other identified specimens of M. radiopicta correctly labeled as Tomakomai, 1903.

Enderlein, G. 1908. Zool. Anz. 33: 759–782.
Mockford, E. L. 2000. Trans. Am. Entomol. Soc. 125: 325-417.
Okamoto, H. 1907. Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 2: 113-147.
Smithers, C. N. 1967. Aust. Zool. 14: 1-145.
Takahashi, R. 1938. Mushi 11: 11-15.


P. J. Collins. E-mail:
N. Golub. E-mail:
Otakar Holusa, Bruzovska 420, CZ-738 01 Frydek-Mistek, Czech Republic. E-mail:
M. K. Nayak. E-mail:
Klaus Reinhardt, Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation, School of Biology, The University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK. E-mail:
Jin-Jun Wang, Key Laboratory of Entomology and Pest Control Engineering, Department of Plant Protection, Southwest Agricultural University, Chongqing 400716, China. E-mail:

Next issue
About Feb 2003. Please let me have all contributions by Jan 31 2003 if possible. I look forward to hearing from you.

Editorial address
Psocid News is edited by Kazu Yoshizawa at the Systematic Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-8589 JAPAN.
Telephone: +81-11-706-2424
Facsimile: +81-11-706-4939
Web page: